Stay away from shared-hosting services

Stay away from shared-hosting services

I have been a WordPress developer for the last 12 years.

So, I happened to work on at least 90+ client websites to tell you this.

You're probably hosting your website on a shared hosting service.

The name of the web hosting company doesn't really matter here. It could be Siteground, Bluehost, Hostgator, A2 Hosting, etc.

If it is true, whether you have noticed or not, your site could be throwing 500 internal server errors or it could be loading slowly to your visitors.

If that is the case, it is bad for your website from business, performance, and security perspectives.

But what is a shared hosting service and why it causes problems?

A shared hosting service is a type of web hosting service where multiple websites from multiple users are hosted on a single server.

This also means that the resources of the server, such as CPU, RAM, and disk space, are shared among all the websites hosted on it.

How shared hosting works

The problem with sharing the resources is, if one site is getting huge traffic, it occupies most of the server resources and the other sites will suffer with very little amount of resources allocated to them.

This is one of the reasons behind site slowdowns and errors.

Also, another possible danger is, if one of the websites gets hacked, chances are all other websites hosted on that single server will get hacked too!

Having said that, if you're a beginner and your website is barely getting any traffic, shared hosting is just fine for day-to-day usage.

But as you expand, your site will become resource-heavy and starts causing server errors and slowdowns.

Errors and slowdowns have the utmost negative impact on your business site because they make your visitors leave.

Unless you provide a service that is in good demand, people don't wait if the website is not loading fast enough.

To be more precise, according to Google, Customers will leave your website if it takes more than 3 seconds to load.

You don't want to lose them, do you?

So, what is the fix here?


We need to move to high-performance hosting

High-performance hosting doesn't share your server resources with other users.

In other words, all the server resources are allocated to your site and your site alone.

This improves security and page load speed significantly.

In the next lesson, we will learn how to move your website to a high-performance hosting service.